Proteomics Pricing (Internal)
ServicePrice eachIncludes 
AID from Gel band$115Extraction, Reduction/Alk, Trypsinazation, Clean-Up, MALDI QC, Orbitrap LC-MS/MS, Bioinformatics search, Scaffold/Excel report
BID from complex mixture$140Reduction/Alk, remove Detergents, Trypsinization, desalt, lyo-, MALDI QC, Orbitrap LC-MS/MS, search, Scaffold/Excel report
CQuantitative comparisonsB + $40/mass channelReduction/Alk, remove Detergents, Trypsinization, dimethylate amines w/Isotopic tags, desalt, lyo-, MALDI QC, Orbitrap LC-MS/MS, search, Scaffold/Excel report
DKinome, Phosphopeptide (or other PTM) enrichment, etc$125(Magnetic) resins made in-house. Phosphopeptide enrichment is based upon chelation to TiIV. Kinase enrichment is baed on bound inhibitor chelation. 
EBiotyping$1.35/spotMin>50 samples. Spotting in your lab.
FAdd. Labor or informatics$70/hourAdditional benchwork or informatics to identify annotation enhancement, etc.

Non-University of Iowa investigators, please contact the core facility at for pricing.



Click Here for the Detailed Cost Structure

The above link will provide a detailed cost structure of proteomics applications organized by objective.

Protein IdentificationMS/MS is an unbiased measure of identity that relies upon real-time verification of peptide sequence.
Biomarker DiscoverySeveral MS approaches can reveal the fold-change of individual proteins between distinct phenotypes.
Absolute QuantificationWith specificity exceeding sandwich ELISA, MRM or PRM can quantify dozens of proteins per assay.
Post Translational ModificationsSub-stoichiometric and difficult to ionize, custom techniques/IMAC reagents are required.
Rapid Bacterial BiotypingIdentify cultured pathogens with a simple MALDI preparation procedure and a few seconds of acquisition.
User Rates, Training, and FAQAfter training researchers can schedule personal use of the instruments. Woe to those who screw up.