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Facility Services
Services currently available in the facility include:
Protein identification and mapping constituent peptides [rather advanced] for ligands, AA substitutions and PTM
- This uses MALDI and nano LC-MS/MS analyses of digests performed either in-gel or in-solution
- Customers must discuss the "rather advanced" projects with the Core Director in advance.
Relative protein expression profiling [absolute quantification is also possible]
- This can be Label-Free (more replicates required)
- OR use Stable Isotopic Labels [wherein control and (possibly several) treated samples are pooled and analyzed together]
Accurate weight determination for intact macromolecules and conjugates
- Uses either Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (MALDI) [robust and fast, but mass accuracy is limited to ppt]
- OR ESI (LC-)MS [a bit cumbersome and requires high purity but mass accuracy is in the ppm range.]
Development of quantitative MRM or PRM targeted assays (e.g. “multiplexed ELISA” w/ peptide standards rather than antibodies)
Rapid (~15 sec/sample) biotyping to determine bacterial strains
MASCOT, SEQUEST and SpectrumMill data analyses with final reporting in Scaffold or Excel format
Training on Open Source versions of MaxQuant and Perseus [statistical package for "annotation enrichment" analysis]